3B Scientific - page 10

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Infant Male and Female Catheterization Trainer
The Infant Male and Female Catheterization Trainer is an inexpensive 2-in-
1 trainer that provides realistic practice of this difficult procedure.
• Practice insertion, position, catheter balloon inflation and deflation
• Feel resistance and pressure as with a real patient
• Urine flows when catheter is in proper position
• Practice both male and female infant catheterization training
• Anatomically realistic with both male and female genitals
• Genitals made of soft, lifelike material
• Replaceable male and female genitals
• Lower half of infant only
Includes: infant manikin, one male and one female genital insert, 2 oz.
lubricant, infant Foley catheter, and instruction manual.
Infant Ostomy Trainer
The Infant Ostomy Trainer has been created to edu-
cate carers and parents on how to give special care to an
infant with a stoma. This trainer will help by teaching step-by-step
procedures for cleaning and caring for a baby’s stoma and changing the
pouching system. The anatomy of the colostomies were carefully repro-
duced to provide lifelike appearance and functions. A soft, pliable material
is used for the stomas in order to achieve the most realistic tactile sensa-
tion. The syringes included are used to inject simulated stool through ports
to the colostomy sites. Consistency of the simulated stool can be thinned
by adding water. The colostomy sites can also be irrigated. The simulated
stool may be reused. Trainer comes complete with one ostomy bag, a
glove, two 3 cc syringes, 1 oz. jar of stool, 1 oz. jar of lubricant, wash bottle
for irrigation, instruction manual, and a storage box.
Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot
Chronic foot ulcers affect the elderly the most, we have designed the Elder-
ly Pressure Ulcer Foot for instruction on care and cleaning of pressure
ulcers in various stages. Pressure ulcers are more likely to appear over pres-
sure points such as heels, tips of toes, between toes, or anywhere the bones
may protrude and rub against socks, shoes, or bed sheets. This replica con-
tains all four severity stages:
• Stage 1 – Located on the bottom of the toe. Surface of the skin is red.
• Stage 2 – Located on the bottom of the foot just under the toe. Surface of
the skin is red and deeper into the skin layers.
• Stage 3 – Located on the side of the foot. Surface of the skin is red, looks
more like a crater, and reaches the bottom layer of the skin.
• Stage 4 – Located on the heel of the foot. Surface of the skin is red.
A great amount of tissue has been damaged, including muscle, bone,
joints, and tendons. The Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot includes a foot and
information key card.
24x10 cm
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