3B Scientific - page 125

. . . g o i n g o n e s t e p f u r t h e r
Upper Stump Bandaging
Most standard bandaging proce-
dures can be practiced or demon-
strated. Can be used to demon-
strate the attachment of prosthetic
devices. The upper torso includes
the two arms – one is amputated
above the elbow; the other above
the wrist. Both arms are slightly ex-
tended in a “patient-like” position
to facilitate bandaging. The com-
pressibility of the material very
closely duplicates actual experience
with a patient. Includes an instruc-
tion booklet. Individually boxed.
66x45.7x33 cm; 7.0 kg
Lower Stump Bandaging
Most standard bandaging proce-
dures can be practiced or demon-
strated. The lower torso is long
enough to allow the bandage to be
wrapped around the body over the
uninvolved hip at the level of the
iliac crest. (Note: There is no em-
bedded, palpable skeletal material.)
Can be used to demonstrate the at-
tachment of prosthetic devices. The
lower torso is representative of a
prone patient with legs slightly ab-
ducted. One leg is amputated be-
low the knee; the other mid-thigh.
Includes an instruction booklet.
Individually boxed.
89x38x25.4 cm; 6.0 kg
Bandaging Simulator
This simulator consists of a female torso with flexible, lifelike skin which
realistically responds to adhesives and all types of bandaging procedures.
14 different wounds allow one to practice wound management techniques,
cleaning and bandaging techniques just like on a real patient. Wound clo-
sures feature surgical staples and sutures which cannot be removed. The
simulator is supplied in a carrying case and features the following wounds:
Thyroidectomy, mid-sternal split with chest tube drains (surgical staples),
mastectomy with simulated drain, cholecystectomy with simulated T-tube,
laparotomy (surgical staples), appendectomy, colostomy, illeostomy, ab-
dominal hysterectomy (surgical staples), thoractomy (surgical staples),
nephrectomy (surgical staples), laminectomy, sacral decubitus ulcer
(stage II), leg amputation stump (surgical staples)
84x30.5x63.5 cm; 12.0 kg
Auscultation Trainer and SmartScope™
This simulator allows training of the auscultation of various heart and lung
sounds as in a real patient. The instructor can select various conditions by
a wireless remote control. When the student has identified the correct aus-
cultation sites by palpating, the heart and lung sounds can be heard by us-
ing a special Stethoscope (SmartScope™). The simulator has 6 heart sites
and 2 lung sites on the anterior and 16 lung sites on the posterior. One re-
mote control can operate multiple sets of SmartScopes™ (see 9985-1005643)
and manikins (see 9985-1005644) simultaneously so that this simulator is
also great for group instruction. Remote control works over a range of up
to 30 meters. The simulator is supplied in a storage case and comes with
one remote control and one SmartScope™ with single and dual user head-
pieces. Operates using two “AA” and two “AAA” batteries (included).
The following sounds can be auscultated:
Heart sounds:
1. Normal
2. Aortic regurgitation
3. Pulmonary stenosis
4. Mitral stenosis
5. Holosystolic
6. Mid-systolic
7. S3 Gallop
8. S4 Gallop
9. Systolic click
10. Atrial septal defect
11. PDA
12. VSD
Lung sounds:
1. Normal tracheal
2. Normal vesicular
3. Wheezes
4. Mono wheeze
5. Fine crackle
6. Coarse crackle
7. Ronchi crackle
8. Stridor
9. Cavernous
10. Bronchovesicular
11. Bronchial
12. Pulmonary edema
13. Infant
14. Friction rub
15. Egophony
16. Pectoriloquy
Set of 2 Stump Bandaging Simulators
(not shown)
Includes: lower torso, upper torso, instruction booklet. Individually boxed.
89x38x25.4 cm; 11.0 kg
Options and Replacements
for 9985-1005642
Auscultation Trainer
(Body only)
Amputat ion / Wound Dres s ings / Auscul tat ion
Medi ca l Techniques
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