Copyright © 2011, 3B Scientific GmbH, Hamburg. Unauthorized reproduction and publication of this material is strictly forbidden.
Dear Customer!
Printed on paper from a sustainable forest company
3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Otto H. Gies, Managing Director
We prefer building new models and simulators with you. You, our customers came up with
important suggestions for the development of our realistic and value-for-money reanima-
tion simulator, “Basic Billy“ on page 4, the sclerotherapy simulator on page 6, and the
pathological models on pages 7 and 12.
We also get our inspiration however from new technologies, such as for instance, the
Micro-CT based teaching models, spongy bone and auditory ossicles, on pages 8 and 9.
Our enlargements of these small structures are totally true to the original.
The impetus for innovations may come from anywhere – there is a large number com-
petent people who are working together to provide you with accurate, high-quality, and
affordable materials. Let‘s strengthen the backbone of medicine together: training and
advanced studies.
Yours sincerely,
Otto H. Gies
Committed to quality
3B Scientific provides you with good
quality at fair prices. Our sophistica-
ted quality management complies
with the ISO 9001:2000 standards
and the Worlddidac Quality Charter
and is regularly approved by inde-
pendent experts
That‘s something you can rely on.
™ model in the title
can also be found on page 172.
3B Scientific offers even more
great products such as the good,
and value for money 3B Scientific®
Kinesiology and Acu-Tapes.
Further 3B Scientific® Catalogues
page 8
page 7
page 4