3B Scientific - page 105

. . . g o i n g o n e s t e p f u r t h e r
Pat i ent Care
Elderly Care Manikin, III
This nursing manikin features an elderly appearance and is convertible be-
tween male and female. It allows the practice of a wide range of basic and
advanced nursing skills including catheterisation. The right i.v. arm features
veins that actually roll when palpated. A realistic flashback confirms proper
needle placement and the shoulder can be used for intramuscular injection
training. The left blood pressure arm reproduces the five Korotkoff sounds
and allows the instructor to vary systolic and diastolic levels, pulse rate,
volume and auscultatory gap. All other features same as 9985-1005620 on
page 103.
95.5x52x28 cm; 16.4 kg
Options and Replacements for 9985-1005606
Skin and Vein Kit
Patient Care Manikin
Full-size adult manikin with movable joints as well as soft
fingers and toes for training of important basic nursing
skills such as:
• Hair care exercises and surgical draping
• Bathing and bandaging
• Oral and denture hygiene (movable jaw with removable
• Ophthalmic exercises
• I.m. injection (arm and buttock)
• Colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic stoma care
• Naso-gastric lavage and gavage
• Male and female catheterisation
• Enema administration
• Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises
109x56x36 cm; 14.0 kg
Options and Replacements for 9985-1005785
9985-1005786 Arm Injection Site
9985-1005787 Buttock Injection Site
9985-1005788 Carrying Bag
Adul t
Elderly Care and BLS Manikin
This adult manikin facillitates training of basic and advanced patient care
as well as Basic Life Support functions. Features include:
• Oral and denture hygiene
• I.m. (arm and buttock), i.v and subcutaneous injection
• Ostomy care (colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic stoma,
each connected to an internal tank)
• Naso-gastric lavage and gavage
• Male and female catheterisation
• Enema administration
• Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises
• Palpable prostate
• Breast palpation (interchangeable male and
7 abnormal female breasts)
• Amputation stump
• 2 decubitus ulcers
• Eyes open and close (one pupil is dilated)
• Regular or counter pulsation CPR (Anatomically painted
outline of cardiopulmonary features)
• Mouth to mouth resuscitation
• Palpable carotid pulse
• CPR Monitor: Displays cadence and depth of compression
and ventilation
Supplied with ten disposable one-piece airways, neck brace,
and carrying bag.
110x56x36 cm; 25.0 kg
Options and Replacements for 9985-1005782
10 Airways
9985-1005828 / 9985-1005829 /
Blood Pressure Training Arm
See page 127 .
CPR Computer Link
This link connects your CPR Simulators (if given as an option) to any
computer having Windows 98. The interactive software features co-
lour graphics for CPR teaching and testing stations for either adult,
infant or newborn mode. Cardiac compression and airway ventilation
waveforms can be monitored, saved and printed.
Supplied with carrying bag.
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