3B Scientific - page 107

. . . g o i n g o n e s t e p f u r t h e r
Pat i ent Care
Adul t
Nursing Anne Non-VitalSim™ Capable
Nursing Anne VitalSim™ Capable
Options and Replacements for 9985-1005212
Breast Examination Module
The Breast Exam Module facilitates training in the recognition of
breast disorders, sizes of nodules, and relative locations by simulating
multiple abnormalities found during breast examinations.
• Normal anatomy of female breasts
• Interchangeable abnormalities to be used with breast modules
- Fibroadenoma
- Cyst
- Solid lump/ mass
Mastectomy Module
The Mastectomy Module is used to practice post surgical mastectomy
care procedures.
• Normal anatomy of a post operative left total mastectomy
• Surgical area skin closed with staples
• Drain tube placed just under the skin
Nursing Anne
Designed for simulation and practice of a complete range of patient assess-
ment and care procedures. Including sounds auscultation, vocal sounds
and an updated blood pressure arm, when used in conjunction with the
new VitalSim
Vital Signs Manikin Simulator. The addition of modules for
breast examination, post surgical mastectomy care and fundus massage
skills makes this full body, adult female manikin the complete care doll.
Full body, anatomically accurate manikin with realistic articulation. The
head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and oesophagus, along with
simulated lungs and stomach allow the practice of many procedures:
• Irrigation of the eye and ear (simulated)
• Application / instillation of medications in the eye, ear and nose,
including nasal packing
• Mouth and denture care procedures
• Insertion and suctioning of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways
• Insertion, securing and care of endotracheal tubes
• Tracheotomy care and tracheal suctioning
• Various oxygen delivery procedure
• NG tube insertion, care, medication administration and removal
• Gastric lavage and gavage
• Nasoenteric and oesophageal tube insertion, care and removal
• Manually generated carotid pulse
• Subclavian IV, various ostomy and chest tube openings for site care
and maintenance
Includes: Adult, full body female manikin, hospital gown, manikin
lubricant, assembly tool kit and directions for use.
Please note that the VitalSim
unit must be ordered separately.
108x53x48 cm; 38 kg
Fundus Skills and Assessment Module
The Fundus Skills and Assessment module features the normal anatomy
of the status-post or post-partum female abdomen designed for training
fundus assessment and massage skills.
Wound Care and Assessement Set, Female
For further information, please go to
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