3B Scientific - page 138

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Medi ca l Techniques
Buttock Injection Simulator
This high quality, strap on simulator is a lifelike model of a right buttock
with all important anatomical landmarks for intramuscular injections
(i.m.): iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter. The
integrated fine electronics provide clear feedback when training the intra-
muscular injection technique: correctly administered injections will pro-
duce audiovisual feedback. Additional training and control modes are
available for checking results either immediately or upon completion of a
training session. Supplied with 21G/0.8 injection needle and 5 ml syringe.
30x30x12 cm, 2,3 kg
E/D/S/F/P/I/J www.
Buttockmate – i.m. Injection Simulator
This easy to handle simulator of a human buttock can be fastened like a
belt on the body of a student or a training doll. It allows practicing of intra-
muscular injections and also the injection of fluid (water) is possible. If the
injected part is incorrect, a buzzer, which works with a 9 volt battery and a
red light, will give a warning sound. The durable, soft and very realistic skin
shows no needle marks even after many exercises.
14x34.5x49.5 cm
I.m. Injection Simulator
This simulator consists of an accurately modelled buttock with thighs to
allow intramuscular injection by finding the correct injection region and
needle insertion angle. The skin and muscle texture feel very lifelike, pal-
pable anatomical landmarks such as the superior end of the femur (greater
trochanter), posterior and anterior superior iliac spines and the sacrum can
be felt. A section of the upper lateral quadrant of the left gluteal area is cut
away to show the underlying structures. Clearly shown are the gluteus me-
dius and gluteus maximus muscles, sciatic nerve and vascular structures.
With this simulator you can practice gluteus medius, ventrogluteal and
vastus lateralis injections. Supplied with syringes and carrying case.
56x24x40.5 cm; 8.5 kg
Two-in-One i.m. Injection Model of Buttock
This unique model of an human buttock has a special two-in-one function:
On the right hand side, the anatomy of the bones, ilium crista, greater tro-
channter, m. gluteus medius, nerves and veins can be studied through the
transparent outer structure. The student can transfer what he has learned
about the position of nerves, veins etc. to the left hand side on which intra-
muscular injections can be practiced. Anatomical landmarks can be palpat-
ed through the soft skin to identify the correct positions for injection. The
injection of fluid (water) is possible. Correct injections are confirmed by a
green light, if the injection is placed in a wrong position or too deep, a red
light will appear and a buzzer will sound.
38x35x22 cm; 5 kg
Inj ec t ion & Punc ture, i .m.
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