3B Scientific - page 140

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Medi ca l Techniques
Intubation Head
This model is especially designed
to instruct and practice endotra-
cheal intubation. The accurately
modelled life size head allows the
correct depth, angle, and pressure
of insertion of a laryngoscope to
be taught. Mounted on base.
Delivered without laryngoscope.
21x16x17.5 cm; 0.6 kg
Advanced Child Airway Management Trainer
Present your students with the challenges they may face in the real world.
Advanced Child Airway Management Trainers offer tongue swelling and
laryngospasm. This advanced airway management trainer is perfect for
practicing skills on paediatric patients and represents the size of an 8 year
old patient. Practice intubation, ventilation, suction, and jaw thrust tech-
niques. Realistic anatomy and landmarks include teeth, tongue, oral and
nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false and true vocal cords,
trachea, lungs, oesophagus, and stomach. The trainer allows you to prac-
tice oral, digital, and nasal intubation, as well as E.T. (Endotracheal Tube),
E.O.A. (Oesophageal Obturator Airway), P.T.L. (Pharyngeal Tracheal Lumen),
L.M.A. (Laryngeal Mask Airway), E.G.T.A. (Oesophageal Gastric Tube Airway),
and Combitube® insertion. Separate lungs for auscultation. Inflatable stom-
ach bladder indicates oesophagealinsufflation. With its slightly anterior
position, swelling tongue, and vocal cords, the Advanced Child Airway
Management Trainer is a great trainer for introductory as well as advanced
training. Includes training stand to mount head, pump spray lubricant and
hard carrying case.
Intubation Head
This trainer simulates a non anaesthetised patient and features anatomical
landmarks such as: teeth, tongue, oral and nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis,
arytenoids, false cords, true vocal cords, trachea, lungs, oesophagus, cricoid
cartilage and stomach. Supplied with stand, pump spray lubricant and hard
carrying case. The following airway management procedures can be
• Intubation (oral, digital and nasal)
• E.T. (Endotracheal Training)
• E.O.A. (Oesophageal Oral Airway)
• P.T.L. (Pharyngeal Tracheal Lumen)
• Combitube® insertion
• Ventilation and suction techniques
• Proper cuff inflation
• Sellick manoeuvre (applying cricoid pressure changes the position
of the trachea and closes the oesophagus)
63x30.5x40.6 cm; 15 kg
Intubation Trainer™
The Intubation Trainer™ is the ideal tool for physicians, paramedics, nurses,
lung specialists and other medical professionals to train endotracheal intu-
The product comes with a standard USB port and is compatible with the
operating systems Windows 98, 2000, ME and XP.
Benefits of the Intubation Trainer™:
• See and understand the anatomy of the upper airways
• Learn the correct positioning of the tube in the trachea and correct
handling of the laryngoscope
• Real time feedback of eye-hand coordination
• Procedure recording capability improves inclusion of the whole study
group during a session
The Intubation Trainer™ can be used with our following models:
9985-1005396, 9985-1005649, 9985-1005633, 9985-1005214, 9985-1005827
Supplied with: case, software, driver, instructions, camera.
Intubat ion
Options and Replacements for 9985-1005633
Art. No.
9985-1005607 Lungs
9985-1005608 Stomach
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