3B Scientific - page 142

9985-4006518 –
9985-1001157 +
3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Medi ca l Techniques
Adult Airway Management Trainer
Detailed anatomy featured on the adult intubation trainer stands out. Get
a clear picture of human anatomy from the sculpted alveolar sac, bronchial
tree, and blood vessel structures of the cross sectioned and exposed flexible
lungs, to the interior main bronchus and oral / nasal pharyngeal spaces.
Combine these details with an airway complicated by breakout teeth,
tongue oedema, and laryngospasm, and this airway trainer rates hard. An
anatomical stomach that swells with oesophageal intubation, or excessive
pressure with the BVM during rescue breathing, together with the vomiting
capability of this manikin makes this an exceptional educational tool for
multitasking. Includes instructions for use, soft carry bag, lubricant and
replaceable lungs and stomach.
84x64x30 cm; 20 kg
Intubation Torso
This upper torso features:
• Realistic chest cavity with trachea, bronchi and lungs, heart and stomach
• Nominal 18 mm airway
• Anatomically accurate mouth, tongue, airway and oesophagus
• Fully articulating head, neck and jaw
• Wide, straight, stiffer epiglottis and realistic vocal cords
• Soft neck with cricocartilage
The following airway management procedures can be performed:
• Head tilt /chin lift, jaw thrust and neck extension into the sniffing position
• Placement of cuffed ET tubes and EOA (Oesophagus Obturator Airway)• Intubation (oral, digital, nasal)
• Sellick manoeuvre
• Observation of unilateral or bilateral lung expansion under positive
pressure ventilation
• Surgical placement of tracheotomy tube
• Emergency needle cricothyrotomy stick
• Bilateral tension pneumothorax decompression
Supplied with 6 neck collars, 3 cricocartilages, membrane tape and carry-
ing bag. Laryngoscope and tube are not included in scope of delivery.
76x56x30.5 cm; 11.4 kg
Economy Adult Airway Management Trainer
This detailed adult intubation head comes mounted for clinical teaching
and practice of advanced airway management. Intubation procedures and
skills, including anatomy knowledge and recognition, endotracheal intuba-
tion, nasotracheal intubation, use of field emergency airway adjunct tubes
like LMAs and Combitube, securing, and suctioning, and maintenance of
the installation can all be practiced with this unit. A soft carry bag,
lubricant, and instructions for use are included. Without tube.
53x23x25 cm; 4.5 kg
9985-4006668 *
9985-1001502 **
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