3B Scientific - page 154

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Adult CPR Manikin with Light Controller
This full size manikin allows the training of BLS like rescue techniques and
CPR. The resiliency and weight of the body is very realistic.
Features include:
• Natural resistance to chest compression
• Palpable carotid pulse
• Anatomical landmarks such as sternum, ribcage and sub-sternal notch
• Airway ball valve which allows the lungs to inflate only if the head is
extended and accurately positioned
• Light controller which confirms correct hand placement, ventilation
volume and compression depth
167 cm; 19.0 kg
Options and Replacements for 9985-1005738
Mouth/Nose Pieces,
(pkg. of 10)
Airway Systems,
(pkg. of 10)
Carrying Bag for 167 cm Adult Manikin
I.v. Lower Arm with Hand
An economic option to train i.v. injection. Made of durable material
for repeated use.
Features include:
• Palpable veins, lifelike vein roll-over
• Suitable for blood sampling or fluid injection
• Supplied with artificial blood
Trauma Moulage Kit
The kit contains a big variety of bleeding and non-bleeding wounds.
A perfect kit to be added to a manikin. Bleeding wounds (complete with
reservoir bags with pump assembly):
• 1 sucking wound of chest
• 1 laceration of the forearm
• 1 broken clavicle with seat belt contusion
• 1 projectile entry & exit of arm
• 1 impalement of lower leg
• 1 crushed foot
• 1 jaw wound (manikin use only)
• 1 laceration of the forehead (manikin use only)
• 1 compound fracture of humerus
• 1 compound fracture of femur
• 1 compound fracture of tibia
• 1 abdominal wound with protruding intestines
• 1 pkg. blood powder for 4.5 litre simulated blood
Non-bleeding wounds:
• Burn of the chest, burn of the back, burn of the hand and 2nd and
3rd degreeburn of the forearm
• 1 burn of face (manikin use only)
Resusc i tat ion Bas i c Measures
Adul t
Adult CPR Torso
Torso with fully articulating head,
neck, and jaw permitting head tilt,
chin lift, jaw thrust, and neck
extension. Features include:
• Easily accessible chest cavity with
ribcage, lungs, and heart for real-
ism and practice of the Heimlich
• Airway block when head is
• Realistic chest rise
• Carotid arterial pulse points
• Eyes open and close; one pupil is
Supplied with 10 disposable airways
and carrying case.
Options and Replacements for 9985-1005819
Disposable Airways,
(pkg. of 10)
CPR Computer Link
This link connects your CPR Simulators (if given as an option) and any
computer having Windows 98 or WinXP. The interactive software fea-
tures color graphics for CPR teaching and testing stations for either
adult, infant or newborn mode. Cardiac compression and airway ven-
tilation waveforms can be monitored, saved and printed. Supplied
with carrying bag.
CPR Monitor
Displays cadence and depth of
cardiac compression and airway
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