3B Scientific - page 155

. . . g o i n g o n e s t e p f u r t h e r
Intubation Head
This model is especially designed
to instruct and practice endotra-
cheal intubation. The accurately
modelled life size head allows the
correct depth, angle, and pressure
of insertion of a laryngoscope to
be taught. Mounted on base.
Delivered without laryngoscope.
21x16x17.5 cm; 0.6 kg
PALS Baby with ECG-Simulator
Simulates a 3 month old infant and allows realistic training of skills
required for ACLS of infants including:
• CPR (Ventilation via bag-valve-mask)
• Endotracheal and nasotracheal intubation
• Practice of Sellick maneuver
• Auscultation of breath sounds
• Bilateral chest movement and stomach distension
• Oral/Nasal Airways
• Oral/Nasal Gastric Tube Insertion
Options and
for 9985-1005200
Intraosseous Leg
Allows intraosseous needle
insertion with aspiration of
simulated bone marrow or
injection of drugs. Supplied
with 5 intraosseous pads.
Intraosseous Pads,
5 pieces
STAT Baby – Training for Life
Realism in paediatric training no longer crawls at old technology rates.
STAT Baby brings you the most lifelike simulator for infant care by
utilizing new materials for tactile awareness during patient assessment.
Developed in conjunction with leading paediatric physician
involvement, this baby contains a wide range of skill sets in a
simple format that is affordable to all. It has the size of a nine
month old baby, weighs 7 kg and has the following characteristics:
• IO leg
• Peripheral IV (left hand and foot)
• IM left deltoid and thigh and SC injection sites
• PICC line
• ET tube insertion
• Laryngeal spasm
• Tongue oedema
• LMA insertion
• Trach care
• NG tube placement with fluid reservoir
• Feeding tube care
• Rectal medication
• Pulses (6 pulse locations – 2 brachial, 2 femoral, 2 carotid)
• Defib (shock level 2-4 joules per kg)
• Foley cath insertion (female manikin)
• Pneumothorax
The Stat Baby is supplied with accessories that include IV vein kit (1 arm
and 1 leg), leg skin (1), arm skin (1), IO leg bones (12), pneumothorax
sites (4), injection site (2), Picc line site (1), reservoir bag (4), defibrillator
adapters, ECG interactive simulator, and simulated blood powder (1).
91x36x23 cm; 9 kg
Advanced Child Airway Management Trainer
Present your students with the challenges they may face in the real world.
Advanced Child Airway Management Trainers offer tongue swelling and
laryngospasm. This advanced airway management trainer is perfect for
practicing skills on paediatric patients and represents the size of an 8-year-
old patient. Practice intubation, ventilation, suction, and jaw thrust tech-
niques. Realistic anatomy and landmarks include teeth, tongue, oral and
nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false and true vocal cords,
trachea, lungs, oesophagus, and stomach. The trainer allows you to prac-
tice oral, digital, and nasal intubation, as well as E.T. (Endotracheal Tube),
E.O.A. (Oesophageal Obturator Airway), P.T.L. (Pharyngeal Tracheal Lumen),
L.M.A. (Laryngeal Mask Airway), E.G.T.A. (Oesophageal Gastric Tube Airway),
and Combitube® insertion. Separate lungs for auscultation. Inflatable
stomach bladder indicates oesophageal insufflation. With its slightly anteri-
or position, swelling tongue, and vocal cords, the Advanced Child Airway
Management Trainer is a great trainer for introductory as well as advanced
training. Includes training stand to mount head, pump spray lubricant, and
hard carrying case.
• Intravenous access via scalp vein
• ECG monitoring (with 4 lead ECG)
and arrhythmia recognition
• Simulated pulse
„Heartsim 200“ ECG Rhythm Simu-
lator provides basic, modified and
paediatric rhythms with variable
pulse rate and strength.
• A total of 30 rhythms
• 17 modified rhythms including
Torsade de Pointes
• 7 paediatric rhythms
• Battery powered
54x35x14 cm; 2.2 kg
Baby / Chi ld
Resusc i tat ion Advanced Techniques
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