3B Scientific - page 86

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Bi r th
Practice Makes Perfect!
The birth simulator SIM
™ is a model of a female abdomen with a vulva and the ischial spines as landmarks. Inside the model
there is a foetal head with a sagittal suture and fontanelles. The monitor above the model displays an exact image of the position
and rotation of the foetal head within the maternal pelvis. Furthermore, the CTG and partogram, as well as documentation (his-
tory, findings) and interventions, are displayed. Objective determination of the position of the foetal head in relation to the ma-
ternal pelvis is also now possible. SIM
™ represents the complete clinical course including anamnesis, diagnosis and interven-
tion. A variety of delivery scenarios are presented and the cardiotocogram and partogram support the assessment of the course
of the delivery. The repositioning of the mother, the administration of medication and amniotomy are all interventions that may
be used in order to achieve the necessary progress during the delivery. In order for the physicians that are carrying out the proce-
dures to determine their level of proficiency, all the measures taken during the 'delivery' can be reviewed afterwards. The inter-
nationality of mothers-to-be and the number of different scenarios are a true reflection of the realities of the delivery room.
Professional Endorsement
™ tested and evaluated by more than 50 doctors with experience in
obstetrics. The majority of those questioned (83.0%) stated that the simula-
tor was very highly or highly realistic. Almost all of the participating doc-
tors (96.1%) would recommend other doctors to use SIM
™ for obstetric
training to prepare for all sorts of complications effectively.*
* Wulf J, Lüdemann C, Lukutin W, Burgkart R: Expert assessment of a high-fidelity
audio and force feedback birthing simulator: a questionnaire-based validation
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society in Europe for Simulation
Applied to Medicine; University of Herfortshire, Hatfield, UK, 19-21 June 2008
The Birth Simulator SIM
allows Training in
• correct use of instruments in assisted vaginal delivery
• defining the position of the foetal head in relation to the maternal pelvis
• management of birth complications by means of anamnesis, findings and
The High Level of Realism in Training with SIM
is Unique
• because the instruments are used together with application of the natu-
ral force to guide the baby along the natural curve of the pelvic axis
(Patended haptics)
• because the characteristic sounds due to the breathing and pain of the
mother as well as the foetal heartbeat make the situation very lifelike
Safety During Instrument Use
The simulator presents the haptics required in order to perform the instru-
ment assisted delivery in a medically correct manner: presentation data,
placement of the forceps and extraction, taking care of the head of the in-
fant and the maternal soft tissue. The monitoring software provides infor-
mation in interactive haptic response to the manipulation of the foetal
head in the context of force-feedback. The speed and resistance shown
during pulling correspond with a real situation.
Recognising the Right Moment
During the delivery scenario, the user of the simulator assesses the course
of the delivery and considers all the necessary measures, such as the recog-
nising the correct time for a forceps delivery. In this context questions
concerning indications and conditions are always decisive: Are the forceps
necessary? Are the forceps feasible?
For more detailed information please see
our SIM
™ video at
Using the delivery training simulator SIM
® will enable inexperienced staff (such as young physicians and midwives) to pre-
pare for complications and obstetric emergencies in order to reduce these risks. The fact that more and more C-sections are
performed today than ever before, reduces the experience of individuals and therefore underlines the need for such a simula-
tor. Even experienced obstetricians can benefit from extra training managing the challenges of difficult birth scenarios, with
the benefit of feedback relating to the haptic performance, e.g. during vacuum or forceps delivery. SIM
® is an excellent
simulator to train both obstetricians and residents in operative delivery techniques. The feeling and confidence that the train-
ees have been in the situation with successful results will allow them to respond quickly and appropriately to the mother and
foetus during labour. The numerous intervention and delivery scenarios keep the students and young physicians always able
and ready to cope with particular problems that can occur during delivery The process of learning through assessment and
error correction promotes a powerful learning environment. Memory and retention are clearer with simulation.
(Roland Zimmermann MD, Professor and Chair University Hospital Zurich)
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