3B Scientific - page 93

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. . . g o i n g o n e s t e p f u r t h e r
Ce l l & Genet i cs
You will find our large selection
of Charts starting on page 108.
Mitosis Model
Shows the 9 stages of mitosis on
the basis of a typical mammal cell
at an enlargement of approx.
10,000 times:
1. Interphase
2. Prophase
3. Early prometaphase
4. Later prometaphase
5. Metaphase
6. Early anaphase
7. Later anaphase
8. Telophase
9. Cytokinesis
Tip: As a useful addition and per-
manent eye catcher in the class-
room we recommend the matching
wall chart “Mitosis” (product
number V2049M, V2049U).
60x40x6 cm; 1.5 kg
E/D/S/F/P/J www.
Meiosis Model
Shows the 10 stages of meiosis on
the basis of a typical mammal cell
at an enlargement of approx.
10,000 times:
1. Interphase (stage of G1-phase)
2. Prophase I (leptotene)
3. Prophase I (zygotene and pach-
4. Prophase I (diplotene)
5. Prophase I (diakinesis)
6. Metaphase I
7. Anaphase I
8. Telophase I, cytokinesis I,
interkinesis, prophase II and
metaphase II
9. Anaphase II
10. Telophase II and cytokinesis II
Tip: As a useful addition and per-
manent eye catcher in the class-
room we recommend the matching
wall chart “Meiosis” (V2051M,
60x40x6 cm; 1.7 kg
E/D/S/F/P/J www.
3B Scientific® Models of Cell Division
These three dimensional relief models are painted accord-
ing to the usual colouring methods of microscopy, making
the process of cell division easy to understand. The cell
organelles are shown opened up in the lower part of the
models. The models are equipped with magnets on the back
so that for teaching purposes, they can be arranged easily on
a magnetic board in the classroom. The model series is sup-
plied in a storage system (40x60 cm) which can be fastened
to the wall. A detailed description and handouts for your
lessons are included.
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