3B Scientific - page 94

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Ce l l & Genet i cs
The Human Genotype
9985-4006717 *
9985-1001600 **
Glass Cell, 40,000 times full-size
This unique model represents an undifferentiat-
ed human cell at an enlargement of 40,000
times. It provides a means of studying the
structure of the smallest unit of any living
creature capable of independent life, as
seen through an electron microscope. The
model shows the essential function bearing
cell organelles. Their arrangement in the
model provides a momentary snapshot of
the dynamic balance of a cell. The cell nu-
cleus, a few mitochondria and the lysosomes
are shown in section, so that their internal
structure is visible. The glass cell is an eye catcher
in many exhibitions and has received several distinc-
tions such as “World Didac Gold Award 1990”.
Mounted on bar stand.
60x46x46 cm; 13.0 kg
Giant DNA Model
At nearly 90 cm in height, this DNA Molecule is ideally suited to the class-
room environment. Magnetic connectors, representing hydrogen bonds,
permit the two strands of the double helix to unzip completely, evoking the
mechanism of DNA replication, and RNA synthesis (genetic transcription).
Removable nucleotides let students experience first hand why a larger pu-
rine base must always pair with a smaller pyrimidine base, and that base
pairs are complementary – adenine pairing with thymine and guanine
pairing with cytosine. Non separable atoms connected by permanent flexi-
ble “bonds” form the sugar-phosphate backbone of the molecule. Encom-
passing six base pairs the double helix is mounted on a wooden base and
can be rotated.
86x41 cm; 8.62 kg
DNA Double Helix
3 coils of the DNA double helix, consisting of nucleic acids, to demonstrate
base pairing. At the top end is attached one RNA cord, to show the basis of
transcription. On base.
31x9x9 cm; 0.2 kg
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on page 108.
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