3B Scientific - page 28

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® M e d i c a l
Skul l s
Foetal Skull, on Stand
Cast of a natural bone foetal head
in the 30th week of pregnancy.
18.5x14.5x14 cm; 0.2 kg
Foetal Skull
(not shown)
as A26, but without stand
14x9x9 cm; 0.15 kg
Mini Skull, 3-part
(not shown)
Our mini skull, which precisely depicts all the anatomical structures,
can be disassembled into skullcap, base of skull and mandible.
10x8x8 cm; 0.10 kg
3B Scientific® Beauchene Skull, 22-part, Didactic Coloured
This high quality natural cast made of durable, dimensionally stable plastic
reveals the complex structure of the human skull in an exceptionally clear
way. The 22 individual bones can be firmly and precisely assembled at the
well defined skull sutures using robust inconspicuous connectors. This
means that the skull can be handled without falling apart, which differenti­
ates it from alternative wobbly models with magnetic connectors. The per­
fectly interlocked sutures illustrate the adhesion of a genuine human skull
very realistically. The bones are didactically dyed in nine lasting colours for
ease of identifying the various skull sections. Pairs of bone plates are the
same colour.
The skull consists of the following individual bones:
• Parietal bone (left and right)
• Occipital bone
• Frontal bone
• Temporal bone (left and right)
• Sphenoid bone
• Ethmoid bone
• Vomer bone
• Zygomatic bone (left and right)
• Upper jaw (maxilla) with teeth (left and right)
• Palatine bone (left and right)
• Nasal concha (left and right)
• Lacrimal bone (left and right)
• Nasal bone (left and right)
• Lower jaw (mandible) with teeth
This popular model is produced using accurate casts of the
individual bones of a genuine “exploded” skull of European origin and
is ideally suited for training osteopaths as well as other professionals.
21x14x16 cm; 0.7 kg
E/D/S/F/P/I/J www.
3B Scientific® Skull Kit – Anatomical Version, 22-part
as A291, but not coloured
Neurovascular Skull
A life-size adult skull with seven cervical vertebrae mounted on a stand.
The arteries are shown on one side and nerves on the other.
Removing the vault exposes the main nerves and
arteries on the floor of the cranium. The 12
cranial nerves and the distribution of their
branches is also shown.
29x21x18.5 cm; 1.3 kg
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