3B Scientific - page 29

. . . g o i n g o n e s t e p f u r t h e r
Skul l s
™ System Skull – Didactic Deluxe Skull, 7-part
This unique and high quality model will leave no questions in the study of
skull anatomy unanswered! The ability to transfer the structures visible on
the transparent half to the bony half give this skull a special didactic value.
On the right, transparent skull half the paranasal sinuses can be easily
located even from the outside, since these are marked in different colours:
maxillary sinus (yellow), ethmoidal cells (orange), frontal sinus (green),
sphenoidal sinus (purple). The cranial sinuses and the neck and face arter­
ies are also shown in colour: sinuses of dura mater (blue), common carotid
artery, external and internal carotid artery and the branches of the menin­
geal artery (red). One brain half, which is also visible through the skullcap,
allows visualization of the position of the brain and the course of the
sinuses. The periodontal pockets and tooth roots can be seen through the
transparent jaw. The lower jaw is mounted flexibly to demonstrate the
masticator movements. The skull is mounted on a cervical spine and can
be disassembled into both halves of the skullcap, the left half of the base
of skull, the nasal septum, the complete mandible and a brain half.
35x18x18 cm; 1.0 kg
E/D/S/F/P/J www.
™ System Skull – Bony Skull Half, 4-part
The left bony half skull has been designed especially for the student’s
budget. The half skull can be disassembled into skullcap, base of skull,
mandible and nasal septum. An affordable first class model to study all
anatomical structures.
16x7x21 cm; 0.25 kg
E/D/S/F/P/J www.
Unique Worldwide
The starting point for our absolutely realistic 3B Scientific® Systematic
Skull was the accurate cast of a perfect original. Specilalised production
processes and materials guarantee the precise replication of even the mi-
nutest anatomical structures. 3B BONE
bones look real, feel absolute-
ly natural and weigh the same as natural bones. If you want the world’s
best skull, our 3B BONE
models are just the thing for you!
(Please also read the endorsements for 3B BONE
bones on page 33.)
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